Huaming Chen

“Dada“ of Chen, a researcher, a developer & a basketballer

About Me


I am currently a lecturer (assistant professor) in The University of Sydney.

“Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.” – Leonardo da Vinci



A Little More About Me

My research interest is on trustworthy AI and software security, especially for AI-enabled systems. Particularly, a call on securing the AI-enabled systems in practice with dedicated software engineering techniques is a brief summary to my current work. Generally, I am also passionate in the research areas driven by artificial intelligence (AI for software engineering and science), including industrial 4.0, computational biology and so on.

I actively serve as the area chair, program committee, associate editor and reviewer at different conferences and journals, such as ACM CCS, ACM MM, IJCAI, KDD, TheWeb, ICSE, MSR, ISSTA, ISSRE, FORGE, IEEE CAI, IJCNN, CEC, SIAM ICDM, IEEE ICWS, ECML&PKDD, Computers&Security, Complex&Intelligent Systems, and so on.

Workshop for Trustworthy and Responsible AI: